Mystery/Urban Fantasy

Smoke and Mirrors

A crime of the heart, and a crime without one

Victoria, BC, 1964. Following a major tragedy, a new police squad led by Inspector Allen Church is given the task of investigating cases related to the stricken. These individuals with inhuman natures have begun to integrate with society, but often with dire results. Even as his team is forming, Church must investigate two suspicious deaths with possible ties to the stricken, while navigating the secret surrounding his newest recruit

Church's case begins with a corpse found on a still-burning pyre, a suspicious death that Church fears may be tied to superstition and prejudice. While he focuses on this case, he hands off a secondary file to his new detective, only to find he may have made a mistake when a body turns up in the course of that investigation as well.

Not in the US? Amazon carries Smoke and Mirrors in: UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, JP, BR, CA, MX, AU, IN.

What readers say:
"I couldn't put it down! It's the right blend of spooky, historical and supernatural. In a fresh new world set in 1960s Victoria, BC, follow the newest police squad as they do their best to solve crime." - Amazon reader

"What is particularly great is how the two worlds (occult and non-occult) are so intertwined that it begins to seem normal. And despite the grisly nature of some of the non-human creatures, the story isn’t full of gore and horror. " - Amazon reader.

I was interviewed about Smoke and Mirrors by New In Books. We connected on inspiration, themes, and the messages I’d like you to take with you. Check it out here

Summer Solstice

A tale of wolves, women, and wickedness

Inspector Allen Church is summoned to the hospital in the middle of the night to investigate a rare cruelty: a young woman turned by a wolf. Early inquiry suggests targeted malice, however no motive is forthcoming. Church’s attention is quickly divided when a member of his squad stumbles upon evidence of a decades-old history of criminal investigations connected to lycanthropes and others like them being suppressed. Aware that his choice lies between risking his own career and a collapse of public trust, Church must find a way to navigate office politics and the urgings of his own personally affected detective. But the danger of the full moon hasn’t passed, and there is more violence yet to come.

Politics meets paranormal investigations as the Stricken Squad untangles cases fraught with discrimination, resentment, and hope for a better life. As their investigations progress, these tensions threaten to spill over into the community, the station, and the squad itself.

Not in the US? Amazon carries Smoke and Mirrors in: UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, JP, BR, CA, MX, AU, IN.

What readers say:

“Grey skillfully weaves together politics and paranormal investigations, as the Stricken Squad navigates cases fraught with discrimination and hope for a better life. The book delves into the complexities of society's attitudes towards the supernatural, revealing tensions that threaten to spill over into the community, the police station, and even the squad itself.

With its richly crafted plot and well-developed characters, "Summer Solstice" delivers a compelling and thrilling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.” - Amazon Reader